Chip Packet Pencil Case

Hi and welcome to Sew Blue Thread.  Only 2 weeks ago I was at a meeting.  Had noticed the lady next to me, had her giant bag of chips sitting on the floor.  I thought to myself, ‘well, that’s a good idea…..nibble on the sly while the meeting is on’.  I noticed there was a zipper on the top of the chip packet.

Couldn’t help myself to ask the question, ….’ Did you bring your chips?’…..(obviously).

The lady (whom I knew) was good to let me have a hold of her pencil case, which was lovingly given to her as a homemade gift only 5 years before.  Of course, I thought to myself…..”5  years, and still looks good…I have to ask to have a look inside”.

So that’s where the idea all began, to make the same.

So in no time, I had saved chip packets ready to be made into, yep….chip packet pencil cases.

Chip Packet

Chip Packet pencil case

The pattern was not my own.  I found a fantastic step by step lesson :::>HERE<:::

Whallaaa.  So these will be used for end of year gifts.  Hopefully, it will be marvelled at, just like the one I saw before.

Chip Packet pencil case

Chip Packet

So until next time

Happy sewing


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